Post index

Below is a chronological listing of posts. As the posts are building towards what I anticipate will eventually emerge as a structured whole, this page will provide a snapshot of where we are in that unfolding process. While the individual posts viewed in succession by publication date constitute a linear time sequence of ideas and views, the overall inquiry will, if my intended approach is effective, have a different structure, involving cross-referencing that will eventually be both backwards and forwards. At times there’ll be value in looping back to earlier themes; full development of some themes initially given introductory consideration only will unfold more thoroughly in later posts.

  1. Thinking about thinking about energy
  2. Energy transitions, feasibility studies and the limits of abstraction: the case for a (soft) systems approach
  3. Foundations for establishing a view
  4. Thinking with systems—Part 1
  5. Thinking with systems—Part 2
  6. Thinking with systems—Part 3
  7. Maps and territories: the very abstract nature of the energy concept
  8. Accounting for a most dynamic world—Part 1
  9. Accounting for a most dynamic world—Part 2
  10. Accounting for a most dynamic world—Part 3
  11. Fueling an industrial world
  12. Energy and the biophysical view of economic activity: from joules to fuels
  13. The distribution of energy wealth
  14. In praise of fossil fuels—Part 1: establishing context
  15. In praise of fossil fuels—Part 2: the remarkable legacy of ancient life
  16. Visualising this Brief Anomaly
  17. Energy density and the prospects for renewably-powered societies
  18. A rough guide to visualising energy density
  19. Responding to the Millennium Project’s Energy Challenge
  20. Worldviews and energy futures
  21. Slaying systems disorders
  22. In memory of Frank Fisher
  23. Dealing with causality in an uncertain world
  24. Driving in circles: road building and causal thinking
  25. Introducing efficiency: the energy costs of energy supply and use
  26. Analytic perspectives on efficiency
  27. A comprehensive view of system performance
  28. The engineering view of systemic efficiency: available energy
  29. Post Carbon Institute’s ‘This is Our Energy Reality’: visualising this Brief Anomaly
  30. The economic view of systemic efficiency: energy return on energy investment
  31. The economic view of systemic efficiency: rebound and backfire—Jevons’ legacy
  32. EROI and the limits of conventional feasibility assessment—Part 1: The technical potential for renewables
  33. EROI and the limits of conventional feasibility assessment—Part 2: Stocks, flows and power return on investment
  34. EROI and the limits of conventional feasibility assessment—Part 3: Intermittency & seasonal variation
  35. Descent Pathways
  36. Economic Trend Report: Energy Descent, Transition and Alternatives to 2050
  37. Energy transition, renewables and batteries: a systems view
  38. An integrated view of energy transition: what can we learn?
  39. The energy cost of energy transition: model refinements and further learning
  40. What is the potential for renewable energy?
  41. A deeper dive on PV ‘EROI’
  42. The City as Commons
  43. Flying in the face of climate science—Part 1
  44. Flying in the face of climate science—Part 2: Air travel emissions in perspective
  45. Navigating the energy transition landscape: summary findings from a dynamic systems view
  46. How do we transition to a renewable society?
  47. The Unseen Cost of Travel
  48. Retrofitting Suburbia for Energy Descent Futures
  49. Pathways to the Post-Carbon Economy
  50. Status update October 2018
  51. Degrowth in the Suburbs
  52. Book announcement: Carbon Civlisation and the Energy Descent Future
  53. Book announcement Energy Storage and Civilization: A Systems Approach

2 thoughts on “Post index

  1. Hello Josh,
    would it be posible to have a printing friendly versión of your posts (to avoid all the HTML surplus)?

    Best regards

    • Hi Ruy,
      Wordpress is pretty good for this, if you highlight only the post content (header, text, images), you should be able to copy and paste into Word or equivalent. When I’ve done this it has worked seamlessly, preserving all the formatting.

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